Redis vs. Memcached

November 08, 2021

Redis vs. Memcached

In cloud architecture, caching solutions are essential tools for improving application performance, reducing latency, and optimizing infrastructure costs. Two popular caching solutions used widely in cloud environments are Redis and Memcached. In this blog post, we will provide a factual and unbiased comparison of Redis vs. Memcached, including numbers, pros and cons, and use cases.


Redis is an in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker. It supports a wide range of data structures, including strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets. Redis is known for its high performance, scalability, and versatility.


  • Redis is faster than Memcached, achieving over 1 million operations per second on a single thread.
  • Redis supports persistence, which allows data to be stored on disk for durability and recovery after a restart or failure.
  • Redis has a built-in Lua scripting engine, which allows for complex data manipulation and operations.
  • Redis can be used as a message broker for real-time applications and streaming data processing.


  • Redis can consume a significant amount of memory, especially when storing large data sets.
  • Redis can be complex to configure and manage, requiring advanced knowledge of data structures and memory optimization.
  • Redis is not as widely supported as Memcached, and some cloud providers may not offer Redis hosting services.

Use Cases

  • Caching frequently accessed data in web applications and APIs.
  • Storing session data and user profiles.
  • Performing real-time analytics on streaming data.


Memcached is an open-source, distributed memory caching system that stores data in memory to reduce disk access and improve performance. It is simple, fast, and widely adopted by web frameworks and cloud providers. Memcached supports key-value pairs and has a flexible API.


  • Memcached is lightweight and easy to use, with a simple API and minimal configuration required.
  • Memcached can be used with different programming languages, including PHP, Python, Java, and Ruby.
  • Memcached is designed to scale horizontally, making it suitable for large and complex web applications.


  • Memcached does not support persistence, meaning data is lost when a server fails or restarts.
  • Memcached has limited data structure support, with only key-value pairs and simple string values.
  • Memcached does not support complex data manipulation or Lua scripts.

Use Cases

  • Caching web pages, database queries, and other application data.
  • Storing temporary data that can be regenerated or deleted after a short period.
  • Load balancing and session management in web applications.

Comparing Redis and Memcached

Criteria Redis Memcached
Data Structures Supports various data structures, including strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets. Supports only key-value pairs and simple string values.
Performance Achieves over 1 million OPS on a single thread. Slower than Redis on average.
Persistence Supports persistence to disk for durability and recovery. No persistence, data is lost when a server fails or restarts.
Complexity Requires advanced knowledge of data structures and memory optimization. Easy to use, with minimal configuration required.
Scalability Offers scaling options, including replication and sharding. Designed to scale horizontally.
Use Cases Real-time analytics, streaming data processing, and complex data manipulation. Caching web pages, load balancing, and session management.


Both Redis and Memcached are powerful caching solutions that can significantly improve application performance and reduce infrastructure costs. While Redis is faster, more versatile, and offers more advanced features like persistence and scripting, it can be more complex and resource-intensive than Memcached. Memcached, on the other hand, is lightweight, easy to use, and widely adopted in the industry.

When choosing between Redis and Memcached, it's essential to consider your specific use case, workload, and infrastructure requirements. In some cases, Redis might offer better performance and functionality, while in others, Memcached might be more suitable and cost-effective.


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